Today I got my first pair of maternity pants! Lol. I don't look pregnant yet, but my pants have gotten really tight and uncomfortable. The maternity pants are super comfy, but not exactly the cutest. It's a strange thing slowly watching your stomach get fatter and fatter. Right now I look like I've had one too many bowls of ice cream (which is probably true).
I guess I should rewind a little bit and give a little baby update! In early December I took a pregnancy test that had the faintest light pink positive line. I started jumping up and down and telling Jake it was positive. I kinda forgot he was color blind and he was pretty skeptical thinking I was imagining things. To his credit you could only see the line under bright lights. The next day I took another test and sure enough, Jake saw the positive too. We decided to wait to tell our families until we saw everyone in person, but it was sure hard to keep it a secret even for a few weeks!
Since then, we have listened to our little baby's heart beat a couple times and we even got to see it once on an ultrasound. We are due sometime between August 8th and August 14th, but they aren't quite sure yet. In a couple weeks we will find out if it is a boy or a girl!
The first trimester of my pregnancy was not what I expected at all. I thought I would be sick all the time but instead I just found myself feeling queasy a lot. Certain foods and smells made me feel realllyy queasy. I also felt really tired... all the time. Around 7 or 8pm I was ready to go to bed. The pneumonia/ pregnancy combo was not so fun. But overall I feel like I got pretty darn lucky.
Our plan
was to move to Atlanta right after Jake graduates on August 6th, but now it looks like we'll be hanging around Provo for a couple weeks until we have our little baby.
We are so excited to welcome our new addition!