About every other day I get asked, "have you guys thought of a name yet?"... Every time my answer is, "nope, we are really struggling!" Even before we decided we were ready to start our family, I had a little list of baby names on my iphone. Unfortunately most of those names are girl names, so when we found out we are having a boy I pretty much had to start a new list. For some reason boy's names are really hard! I kind of want our baby to have a unique name that not a lot of other kids have (but I'm open to common names too) and Jake doesn't want the name to be "weird."
My current favorites:
(I'm noticing a theme.. lol)
Jake's favorite's:
-Brock (one name, counts for first and last OR Brock Brock)
-Jacobson (Jacob's son..)
Do you see what I'm working with here people??
We need help! Any cute boy name ideas? I'm waiting for one name to really stick out as the right one, but I'm getting nervous that it's not going to happen!