Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summer Sun & little cuties

After the fourth of July I headed home to Washington to spend some time with family. Jake was loving life in Wisconson for a Dave Mathews Band show, so I went solo. My brother, Brandon, is in Afghanistan but his wife and adorable girls were able to come. I might be slightly biased but I'm pretty sure they are the cutest little girls ever. Not only that but they are so entertaining.. I just can't get enough! The weather was seriously hot all week so we spent a lot of time in the pool. It felt so nice to be in the sun and float all day.

Charlotte is fearless and was pretty curious about Milo. I think he tried to pretend not to notice her fascination.

 To mix it up a little bit we also went to a splash pad and park. After we got used to the cold water we had a lot of fun.

 When we saw this funny looking giant green swing we weren't really sure what it was for but I was dying of laughter when my Mom got in. After seeing how much fun she had, I also got in the swing, except it didn't work out with my prego belly/ hips very well and I was a worried I might never get out.. not one of my finer moments.

By the end of the week I had reached the end of my "allowed to travel" period of pregnancy so I headed home to get ready to have this baby. Current countdown until my due date: 2 weeks, 2 days.. yikes!

4th of July

This was our first fourth of July in Utah. We had a nice relaxed day with a lunch out at a new place in Provo. 

Jake loves when I take his picture, especially when it takes me a few tries./ Brady and Michael were a little confused about their chunky corn dogs/ Tessa and Jordan in their matching stripes
BYU also puts on a big firework show in the football stadium called, "The Stadium of Fire." This year the Beach Boys were preforming. While neither me or Jake are big beach boy fans we wanted to go for the fireworks. It ended up being really fun. A nice relaxed fourth of July for this pregnant lady.
We literally sat in the back row of the stadium, not a great view of the concert but perfect for the fireworks.