Sunday, April 28, 2013

New Years in Seattle

Something crazy got into me and made me think it would be a good idea to fly alone with a baby across the country on December 26th. Whew. That's what you do when you miss your family!

The trip got off to a rough start when I ended up in the wrong place in the airport with a stroller and a big luggage cart and not enough hands to get myself in the right place. Thank goodness for a good Samaritan and a husband who turned around on the highway and came back to rescue me. The flight was full except for a family that missed their connection that happened to be sharing the row with me. Can't ask for a better situation than that!

Weston laying on our open seats
After I faced my flying--alone--with--baby--fears I was so happy to spend time with my family in Seattle. Weston was working hard on rolling. Over and over he would get his body alllmooostt over and then stop. We had the camera ready all week but it never happened. I think it's for the best because I don't think Jake would let me go on a trip without him again if he missed it.

My mom is not a big TV watcher, never has been. I on the other hand enjoy vegging out and getting into a good show. I was super excited when I found out my Mom was watching Downton abbey. We were hooked.Our British accents came out on more occasions than I'd care to admit. We also snuck in some crafting, shopping, and games... in between episodes, of course.

I was reunited with my BFF Nicia. She's living in Hawaii now days and the 7 hour time difference between us is super lame. Good thing our parents live 2 minutes apart. One night I was at her house playing a trivia game on the wii with her family. I was doing soooo bad. Everyone else had a lot of points and I still hadn't answered any questions right. Finally I answered a question right or did something to get a point and she started cheering for me, "yayy Caylie you are doing so good!" She seemed to actually believe it. This really cracked me up. That's exactly the kind of friend she is, cheer for you even when you suck. I'm still trying to convince Jake to move me to Hawaii...

Christmas With the Brocks

This year we got to spend Christmas with Jake's family.

One night we made a little gingerbread town. There were a few casualties along the way but it was fun nonetheless.

Christmas eve we ate a ton of food, did the annual gift exchange (I ended up with a juicer and Jake ended up with a router, which we were both quite pleased about), got our matching Christmas PJS, and played the Great Dalmuti. This game involves a lot of crazy hats, a king, a 'pee on,' and a lot of other positions in between. I would like it to go on record I ENDED AS THE KING. 

Jake's Mom got the cutest little Santa outfit for Weston. I have a thing for diaper bums.. I think they are cute and I want to squish them. A diaper bum in a Santa suit.. it doesn't get much better than that.
We had a great day opening gifts and spending time with family. 

Christmas Cheer

Yep. It's almost May and I've FINALLY decided this blog needs an update. I'm going to be pretty brief about it but here's to getting caught up on the last 5 months!

This is the first year we really had enough space for a Christmas tree. I'm all about the fresh yummy smell of the pine needles that fill the house and really make it feel like Christmas. So one lovely Saturday afternoon in December we went on the hunt for our first Christmas tree.

Christmas is my favorite holiday and it is that much more fun when you have a little one around to dress in candy cane stripes and the cutest little reindeer hat ever. The day I went shopping for Christmas tree decorations it was 74 degrees... Thank you Georgia!
(Clockwise) W  2.Christmas treats from neighbors  3. Baby Rudolph 4. Our first Christmas cards 5.Our tree