On our last sunday{last week}, we headed to church outside of Maputo. We passed out toys and bracelets to the kids. At first it was very orderly and all the kids got something one at a time. Then, someone asked for something for their brother at home. So I sat down and searched for it in my big bag. Suddenly I was swarmed by a bunch of kids all putting their hands out and speaking to me in Portuguese. Since I cant understand them I started handing more stuff out, but even that got crazy, so I guestered that they could reach intp the bag and that turned into caos. I was calling out to Jake for help, but he said I was beyond help lol. In about a minute I was cleaned out, including my scented hand sanitzer that was never meant to be given away, but thats ok. Jake said some little boy asked him what it was for and Jake replied, "it's to clean your hands with, but it smells really girly." The boy relpied, "ok cool," and stuck it in his pocket. lol

After church we went to a spend time with a wonderful family, the Castanherias. They just had a little boy born a week before, but they still managed to make us a feast! There was so much yummy food! I can't remember everything we ate but I remember "mayonaise salad" (potatoe salad), coconut rice, brown rice, fish, curry steak, and cake. After dinner we went for a walk around the area. It was so beautiful and peaceful, it seemed like a scene from a movie. Sad I didn't bring my camera on the walk, but we took some fun pictures when we got back. What a neat family!
at first these two little cuties wouldnt look at me because my scary blonde hair lol, but they eventually warmed up : ) |
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