Remember when I blogged about my giant carbon foot print this summer with all the traveling we had planned? Well, we managed to fit in a few extra unplanned trips. Just a couple days after starting summer semester of school, we re-packed our suitcases (we never really unpacked from previous trips--its hard shoving those suitcases under our bed I tell ya) and hopped on a red eye to the south. Jake's family was all gathered at the lake house for Jordan's open house. There was lots of swimming, blob-ing (although I was not persuaded to inch out onto that slippery thing), chatting, and marshmallow roasting (did you know they make strawberry flavored marshmallows???... well now you know, your welcome.) I just love spending time in that southern sun with lots of great people definitely beats homework in our little cave.
ps. did you know marshmallow is spelled with an 'a'?? Jesh, you learn something new everyday..
January 2020
5 years ago
Thank you for sharing the pics...I don't realize how busy you guys are taking pics...what great memories.... Love ya!