Monday, January 17, 2011

"Girls" Night?

WE GOT CABIN FEVER! We've been couped up sick in this little apartment and it was time to get out, so we did!

Tonight for our "family night" we did something a little.... different. I was in charge of picking the activity and I took full advantage of that freedom.

First, Jake did my makeup. hahaha yep, start from bare face, "what is this?" "where does this go?" the whole nine yards. Can I just say... SO FUNNY! He started by taking everything out of the drawer that he wanted to use. Then he used the most concentrated face while applying things. He did a pretty good job! I would of liked a little more, uhm, coverage.. but he likes "the natural look." The mascara turned out to be a little tricky, but hey it's tricky for girls too, right?

Here's how it turned out:

Hahah. Oh my
(I may have snuck a little touch up before we left the house)

Then, we went to this little restaurant/ lounge in Provo that has "Mock-tails," for those of you non-Utah residents that would be a non-alcoholic cocktail. They were gooood.

I got a double berry "martini" and Jake got a "Lennonaid" aka a russian lemonade, yum

I got the most delicious berry salad with candied cinnamon pecans...seriously made my night it was SO tasty! Jake got a Caesar that he had to cut up himself. He thought that was weird lol. However, my salad was so tasty that there was no time for anymore picture taking so use your imagination.
He's in charge next week, hopefully we wont be playing video games or looking up camera gadgets, BUT he was such a good sport I'll do almost anything.

1 comment:

  1. Giggled at your post....what fun! Maybe a new career option for Jake?
