Monday, February 28, 2011

Seattle you have my heart.

So this post is long overdue, but this past week has been crazy...

Last weekend I went to Seattle and was reminded just how wonderful it is there. Everything was GREEN GREEN GREEN & the air was clean {people usually don't notice unless you live in Utah smog, then you notice}. I was kind of in shock how much space there was in my house. Not because it is exceptionally large, but because I’m used to living in “the cave” aka our one bedroom apartment. So it was nice to twirl and dance around without running into walls. Everything was just lovely and if it weren't for my cute husband waiting for me in Utah, I may have never come back.

You may remember my countdown post about all the things I was looking forward to: nature walks, mom’s cooking, bff, and the parentals. It was all lovely, but I’ll let the pictures do the talking this time.

I miss my cute friendly dog

real dogs wear sweaters outside.
Nature walk #1 on one of my favorite trails

I make my husband proud with my "photography skills" {this is prob. the 1st good picture I've ever taken }. This was taken at the Seattle temple

My mom and I walked around the seattle temple & took pics. Thanks mom!

View from our neighborhood. I love looking out at the mountains!

My mom is not going to like this, but she is just so darn stylish! She took a picture of me after, but I am not as stylish so just use your imagination.

It's great to have someone cook for me!

Sunday dinner, YUM!

Aw, I miss this little pup.

Nicia eating cake. I took about 300 pictures but decided to be nice and post only one. lol


Nature walk #2

I look like a ghost next to her, but I love her anyway.

I just love this forrest.

Cleaned out my closet before I left. Can't believe how many clothes I left behind!

Tomato Basil Soup at the Nordstrom Cafe= heaven.
{I used to work at the Nordstrom Cafe and eat the food every single day. You would think that I am sick of it, but no I still crave their food all the time!}

Cilantro Lime and Chicken Salad  before a shopping trip with my momista.
Seriously, my trip was perfect. I need to go back ASAP.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

We checked our brains at the airport.

The day my apartment flooded, I also had a plane flight to Seattle. Our flight got delayed so many times that Brittany and I made a little detour to the mall. By the end of our long day we had really lost our minds. We began playing with photo booth on her Mac and literally laughing so hard we were crying and our stomachs hurt. It was good times until half way through the video I realized we were adults, in public, being crazy. Then I lost it. But it was still good times.
I may have temporarily lost my mind again that I am posting this, but really these pictures brighten my day, so C'est la vie

( ^This was taken when we got home).

Please excuse this video, we never grew up.

My favorite part--- "These peanuts are making me look fat." Oh and the sour faces at the end.
Notice part way through I realize we are in public and people probablly think we are crazy. I really think I completly forgot that "normal" people don't do things like this on a plane. Oops

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wet! Wet! Wet!

There’s something you should know. When something exciting happens in my life I don’t know how to tell the story with minimal details. It is pretty much impossible for me, but for two seconds I will try.
Our apartment flooded, and we liked it.
Ok for those of you that can handle way too many details, here we go.
Last Friday, we had a river flowing down our sidewalk. We walked out of our ground floor apartment to see water literally rushing down the sidewalk. We hopped and skipped our way around all the water making our way to the parking lot. I got on the phone to call emergency matience at our apartment complex while Jake tried to figure out what was going on. When we got closer to the source we heard a (challenged) man (in nothing but boxers) screaming “Wet! Wet! Wet!” over and over again while standing in his doorway. Jake went to go talk to him while I completely ate it and fell on a patch of ice. Jake looked inside his apartment and saw water gushing in from the outside filling this guy’s apartment. Meanwhile I’m on the phone with maitience trying to explain that there’s a river flowing down the sidewalk and into someone’s apartment. While on the phone I see Jake take off back to our apartment, knowing that I’m going to be late for a quiz in my first class I start yelling to him “Jakkkeee I’m going to be late for my quiz we have to go!!” He was trying to see if our apartment was getting water in it, which at the time it wasn’t, so as soon as the management and maitence showed up we left so I could go to class and take my quiz.

After my first class I get a text from Jake that says, “Our apartment flooded.” Nice right? So of course I freak out and tell him to come pick me up. When we get back to our apartment I see that I can splash puddles in the kitchen and on the carpet, but it could have been much, much worse. It is so hard to explain the crazy pattern that this water took to flood our apartment so I’ll use my amazing “paint” skills to draw a diagram.
Haha, I can't believe I actually made this diagram.

Ya get it? A water main broke outside and travelled down the sidewalk. It flooded an apartment next to where it happened (aka the poor scared man screaming wet wet), then it moved really really far to flood the apartment on the back side of our apartment that we share a wall with. The water level was so high in their apartment that it seeped right through our walls and came into our apartment. As far as floods go we were super lucky. The poor people on the other side of us had all their stuff ruined and had to move out that day. The water went into our closet, bathroom, kitchen, and living room, but stopped short of any furniture or anything that we own that could get damaged.

You could splash puddles in the carpet, it was fun

This is really the after math, not the full blown river. (Our apartment is to the left)

Our (back wall) neighbors front door
Our bedroom after emptying out two closets into it.

Pretty soon, we started to realize that this flood was going to be a good thing. First, our management bought us café rio for lunch. Then they had a flood team come in and rip up our carpets and take out the wet mats. They dried the carpet and floor out. I have really wanted to get our nasty carpets cleaned for a while but have been too cheap to get it done so score! Nothing like a flood to get a free carpet cleaning right? Later we had a cleaning company come in and clean the kitchen and bathroom floor (which has been on my to-do list, but really who likes scrubbing floors?). Meanwhile, we had to move everything off the wet floor in our closet into our bedroom. Have you ever seen in cartoons when they show a closet that opens and it looks like it’s piled so high and so full that everything will fall out? Ya, well we have one of those closets in our main room. We had to empty it into our bedroom, it got a little crowded in there. Call me crazy but I’ve also been meaning to clean out both closets (I have good intentions, but I like to procrastinate things like that)—so anyway I was kind of excited to get that done. Then our management company tells us they will put us up in a hotel for the weekend while the carpet dries. Also, we can order room service and eat the restaurant whenever we want. And this restaurant is nice—were talkin filet minon. But if we get sick of it then we just bring our receipts and she will pay us back… UM, THANK YOU FLOOD. Unfortunately, I was leaving for Seattle in a couple hours so Jake got to go take advantage of it by himself. {I was a tiny bit jealous, or actually just wishing the flood would have come when I was in town}. 

On my way to the airport I knew Jake was going to have a good weekend after I received this text:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

In the name of love.

I’m beginning to really like this valentines business. Last year we were in Atlanta for v-day. There were LOTS of candles & flowers involved and more importantly, A RING. Can it really ever get better than that?.... Well we can try.

After a long day apart, that involved a lot of studying and test taking, Jake surprised me with a fancy dinner in park city. We got to drive through the beautiful canyon from Provo to park city that is very “over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go”, ya got me?

This is off topic—but I was a little scared when I saw this picture of me with “Utah big hair.” Proof that I’ve lived here too long and I’m out of touch. Nothing like a picture of yourself to scare you back into reality.

Where were we again? Oh yes—the most charming and adorable part of Park City—I was in love! I kind of love watching Top Chef, except it makes me crave yummy gourmet food with interesting flavors. Well this was the place—perfect.  For an appetizer we ordered Kobe beef. Each one had a different sauce and came out looking fancy, you’ll just have to picture this in your head because we were too excited when it came out to stop and take a picture.

I got a caramelized pear and blue cheese salad that was soo sooo yummy. We still haven’t figured out why you have to pay more to cut your own lettuce. But I promise this salad was much more tasty than it looks in this picture.

For entrée’s Jake ordered Filet Mignon & I ordered the stuffed chicken with gnocchi. I think I could eat that gnocchi all day long if it wasn’t so dang filling! Jake loves to order dessert where ever we go. He choose the peanut butter bread budding (soo good). When I asked if I could just have a bite, he ordered me my own. [I guess he knows by now what happens when I just want one itty bitty bite ;) ] Once again, we were too excited to take a picture.

As we made our way back to the car we played with our new camera.

Both of us wanted to be the photographer and not the model---guess who won?

Some lady heard us “discussing” who would be the photographer and offered to take a picture of both of us—Lol.

Valentine’s day, it would be much appreciated if you would come back again every month.