Thursday, February 24, 2011

We checked our brains at the airport.

The day my apartment flooded, I also had a plane flight to Seattle. Our flight got delayed so many times that Brittany and I made a little detour to the mall. By the end of our long day we had really lost our minds. We began playing with photo booth on her Mac and literally laughing so hard we were crying and our stomachs hurt. It was good times until half way through the video I realized we were adults, in public, being crazy. Then I lost it. But it was still good times.
I may have temporarily lost my mind again that I am posting this, but really these pictures brighten my day, so C'est la vie

( ^This was taken when we got home).

Please excuse this video, we never grew up.

My favorite part--- "These peanuts are making me look fat." Oh and the sour faces at the end.
Notice part way through I realize we are in public and people probablly think we are crazy. I really think I completly forgot that "normal" people don't do things like this on a plane. Oops

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I forget that my behavior may spill over into your blog. All well. It's not like I have a reputation to protect anyway, hahaha! This was a fun read, as always.
