Monday, February 28, 2011

Seattle you have my heart.

So this post is long overdue, but this past week has been crazy...

Last weekend I went to Seattle and was reminded just how wonderful it is there. Everything was GREEN GREEN GREEN & the air was clean {people usually don't notice unless you live in Utah smog, then you notice}. I was kind of in shock how much space there was in my house. Not because it is exceptionally large, but because I’m used to living in “the cave” aka our one bedroom apartment. So it was nice to twirl and dance around without running into walls. Everything was just lovely and if it weren't for my cute husband waiting for me in Utah, I may have never come back.

You may remember my countdown post about all the things I was looking forward to: nature walks, mom’s cooking, bff, and the parentals. It was all lovely, but I’ll let the pictures do the talking this time.

I miss my cute friendly dog

real dogs wear sweaters outside.
Nature walk #1 on one of my favorite trails

I make my husband proud with my "photography skills" {this is prob. the 1st good picture I've ever taken }. This was taken at the Seattle temple

My mom and I walked around the seattle temple & took pics. Thanks mom!

View from our neighborhood. I love looking out at the mountains!

My mom is not going to like this, but she is just so darn stylish! She took a picture of me after, but I am not as stylish so just use your imagination.

It's great to have someone cook for me!

Sunday dinner, YUM!

Aw, I miss this little pup.

Nicia eating cake. I took about 300 pictures but decided to be nice and post only one. lol


Nature walk #2

I look like a ghost next to her, but I love her anyway.

I just love this forrest.

Cleaned out my closet before I left. Can't believe how many clothes I left behind!

Tomato Basil Soup at the Nordstrom Cafe= heaven.
{I used to work at the Nordstrom Cafe and eat the food every single day. You would think that I am sick of it, but no I still crave their food all the time!}

Cilantro Lime and Chicken Salad  before a shopping trip with my momista.
Seriously, my trip was perfect. I need to go back ASAP.


  1. Love the daffodil pic... you should blow that up and frame it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Fun times! Love the photography!

  4. Yay !!! I love this!! Miss you <3
