Sunday, March 25, 2012

Learning how to cook again & baby clothes

Life's been pretty busy lately with school and all the other stuff life throws at us. It seems like these days I only take the camera out with when we are on vacation, but I wanted to do a little life update with the pictures that I do have.

We were lucky enough to have Jake's Mom with us for several weeks after his surgery. She made dinner for us every night, took us shopping, stocked the fridge, took care of Jake, and kept us all entertained. Whew.. what would we do without great Moms? When she left I had to rediscover how to cook and grocery shop, it was tough stuff I tell ya! The first night she was gone we had Wendy's, the next night we ordered pizza, then I realized she wasn't coming back and I finally made dinner again lol..

Once I got back in the cooking swing of things I really got in the baking mood. One night I spent almost two hours making a double batch of "the best blueberry muffins ever." The recipe looked really good and involved a homemade blueberry sauce reduction and a crumble topping. When I pulled them out of the oven I had the flattest looking muffins oozing all over the place, KITCHEN FAIL.. (I'm blaming it on high altitude??).

After all that wasted effort, my cooking confidence really needed something to work out. So I was pretty darn happy when I found this recipe for butter bars. Let's just say I am not proud of how many I ate, but they were seriously so addicting and yummy! It was an added plus that they come from Paula Dean's restaurant, because when I try to do a southern accent I always channel Paula and talk about "butt-uh" so this was like a recipe match made in heaven for me.

I'm not usually the bread-makin type but I made some focaccia bread that turned out really good too! 

We found out a while ago that we are having a boy! My mom and Kimmy (sister-in-law) sent me an adorable package with baby clothes. Pretty much everyday I pull out a onesie and show Jake how cute and tiny it is. Last night I picked out a few things myself for the baby, I can't wait for them to arrive next week! {P.s. these aren't meant to match up as outfits and yes I indulged my love for stripes}..

all items from baby gap


  1. What cute clothes!! Stripes are always in : ) I'm a little afraid to try the Butter Bars since I'm still fighting a serious energy bar addiciton. Compliments to the chef and photographer. They look like a page from a high-end cookbook.

  2. Oh man, we are fighting an energy ball addiction too! I've made 3 batches and they never last long..

  3. I totally remember holding the girls clothes before they were born. I loved looking at them and holding them trying to picture cute little babies in them. So excited! And I love those striped clothes!

  4. I've been trying to refrain from buying cute baby clothes so you wouldn't have to pack and move them back to Georgia... but now I think I'll have to cave and just keep them here til you arrive!! And the truth is... you guys are so kind that I love to cook for you. There was a time when the kids wouldn't say the "B" word (burnt) for fear of hurting my feelings... I least they say "slightly toasted" now.. :) Love ya!

  5. PS... from the pictures... it looks like Jake is having more than sympathy pains during your pregnancy... :) I don't remember him looking so..... well.... sooo
    ... let's say... healthy!!
