Thursday, May 26, 2011

Summer in the South

We are loving our time here in Georgia.  Jake and I forgot how pale we are and didn't use any sunscreen on our first day at the lake house. We were hurting for a few days and decided to spend the next day seeing a movie instead. Jake was nice and we went and saw a chick flick {something borrowed}. It happens to have my girl-crush kate hudson in it so I loved it--Jake, not so much. lol

We did a little boat cleaning before we headed went out for some tubing and wake boarding. I confidently told Jake I could do a 360 on the knee board and he didn't believe me. He promised me a back massage if I could deliver. Well, all I got was sore arms but no back massage, dang. Luckily no one took a picture. lol

One lovely morning I was reading a book on the patio when I dozed off. Jake was on the water bike fishing in the lake. I must have dozed off because I woke up to a plop on me that I thought must be jake trying to get my attention. I looked around, didn't see him, then I looked down and saw a big bird doo doo on my shirt. I yelled out, "Jakkkeee..!" Turns out bird poop isn't deadly and I survived.
We had a lot of fun fishing, boating, grilling, playing games, and taking a little sunset cruise.
Jake got his fill of smoked gouda, crakers, and apples. Life is good. lol 

We also had a super yummy dinner at a nice steak house in Atlanta. Ooh ya.


  1. Have I told you lately, how adorable I think you are?

  2. hahahaha.... my mother in law and I were using the same computer and she left that comment using my name instead of hers! ^
