Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hello, meet my inner crazy.

Sometimes (well.. frequently) I let my inner crazy out. Today was one of those days. Mid-day I decided to try out a new recipe

1 cup mayo

½ cup olive oil

3 egg yokes

Yummy. . . right?

Well this is what I did with it.
Completely disgusting, nasty, smelly, seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time-but-wasn’t.
Ew. Ew. Ew. . . So Utah winters are dry and harsh on my poor frizzy hair. My inner crazy told me this was a good idea, but let me tell you it was wrong. So don’t try this at home (not like anyone was tempted, right?).
Then there was some not-so-crazy fun, but fun nonetheless.

THEN, my inner-crazy decided that Jake driving me up and down University Ave wearing this mask be a great end to a Friday night. There’s something I love about making complete strangers hysterically laugh while driving down the road. It's really a good time, I recommend it. Unless of course you are stuck being the driver of the crazy girl with an old man mask on, that’s probably not as much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Caylie,
    You make me laugh! I miss your inner crazy that used to emerge about 1am. :)
