Sunday, April 3, 2011


I recently ran out of “free photo space” for the blog, however I figured out a sneaky way to keep doing it for free.. the only problem is it only works about half the time and takes forever. This has led to several failed blog posts that I’ve just given up on. So I’m just keeping this one short and hoping it works.

This weekend has been one of those lazy relaxing weekends. It’s been pretty nice. Every Sunday Jake and I go to church at 9am for 3 hours, so you can imagine my excitement that this weekend is General Conference aka we stay in our pajamas and watch church broadcasted on t.v. Not only is it fun to snuggle and eat treats during church, but it’s also very inspirational. Perfect.

This morning I made cream cheese coffee cake from my Southern Living cookbook. It was pretty good, but not "so-good-I-must-share-the-recipe" {ya know?}. My mom’s coffee cake is better, so if you want a realllly good one, just ask her. If you didn’t already know, there is nothing healthy about it, I’m pretty sure they just put “coffee” in the title to make people feel ok about eating cake for breakfast. Don’t be fooled, its cake, but I’m ok with that.

For dinner we went over to Jordan and Tessa’s apartment for a fun southern dinner. We had fried chicken, biscuits and gravy, creamed corn, and peach cobbler. So yummy!

On a completely unrelated note, we are selling our little scoot. We have had a lot of fun with it, but we both have cars and could use the cash more than the scoot, so it’s time to say goodbye. We will miss you scoot.
I lied, this isn’t short at all. I think I’m incapable of keeping any sort of “conversation” short.  I'll work on it..


  1. Conference weekend is my FAVORITE! I love watching church in my jammies haha. That coffee cake looks yummy :)

  2. Your blog is SO cute!! :) I hope you don't mind that I'm following it.. AND- are you still selling that scooter? :)

  3. No I'm so glad you are following it! I didn't know you have a blog, but I'm following yours now too : )

    Yep we are still selling it--for $650. You can message me on facebook if you are interested!
